What Is a Golf Cart Settlement in Florida?

After a golf cart accident in Florida, you may need to familiarize yourself with various legal terms and concepts. That being said, legal action may not be necessary at all, and you could recover enough compensation to cover your damages through long-experienced negotiations. This compensation comes in the form of a “settlement” – but what exactly does this mean? How can you get hold of a golf cart settlement, and what does it cover? These are questions you want to ask your golf cart accident lawyer.
Settlements Explained
Those injured by golf cart accidents may receive settlements. These settlements cover various “damages,” which in Florida may include both financial and emotional losses including for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and also based upon the extent of injuries. Defendants often provide settlements instead of going to court, allowing both parties to resolve the dispute without stressful, expensive, and time-consuming legal processes.
When a defendant provides an injured individual with a settlement, they do not admit any wrongdoing. They simply “settle” the issue, essentially paying the plaintiff to cease all further legal action. If you receive a settlement, you must agree to not pursue further legal action against the defendant.
How Do I Get a Golf Cart Accident Settlement?
If you’re serious about pursuing a golf cart accident settlement, consider hiring an experienced golf cart accident lawyer—and not an attorney who has never handled such a case. These legal professionals can help you determine who is at fault for your accident, and you can enter into negotiations with these defendants.
Should I Settle My Golf Cart Accident Claim?
The only person who can answer this question is you. Ultimately, it is your decision whether to accept or reject a settlement. However, it might be best to avoid accepting early settlement offers, since these are often exceedingly low. Insurance companies attempt to minimize losses by offering “lowball” sums at the beginning of negotiations. At www.GolfCartAttorney.com you are in good hands. We have handled golf cart injury cases for 25 years.
Find an Experienced Golf Cart Accident Lawyer
If you’re serious about pursuing compensation for your golf cart accident in Florida, contact us at www.GolfCartAttorney.com (The Law Offices of Frank D. Butler). Learn more about the next legal steps and procedures. We can also help you determine what kind of compensation you could receive, and the types of damages you can claim. Reach out today and learn more about your options.