Do’s and Don’ts of Driving a Golf Cart

Here Is What Not to Do
Here is an example of what not to do with a golf cart. A New Mexico man was arrested last month after police say he drove a golf cart while drunk and crashed it and his three passengers into a fence. He was arrested. The golf cart flipped when the driver lost control. The three passengers were undoubtedly ejected from the golf cart. One of the passengers was said to have a serious leg injury.
One problem with golf carts we have talked about before is that they are not built like cars. Golf carts are susceptible to crashes and rollovers that other vehicles may be able to avoid or stand up better to such injury-producing situations. Golf carts are dangerous enough without being in the same cart with an impaired driver. Yes, after the crash occurs the drunk driver is in a world of problems if they cause you or your family member to suffer an injury. Don’t get into a golf cart with a drunk driver; there just is not enough protection for you.
Here Is What to Do
If you rode with a person in a golf cart who caused a crash we can help you with your golf cart injury claim. We are golf cart incident attorneys. Elsewhere on we have talked about how sudden left turns can expel front seat passengers. This occurs because golf carts are not generally equipped like cars to prevent ejections. It is easy to understand how in the above DUI crash example that all three passengers would be ejected. Golf cart makers have made upgrades in lighting, tires, turn signals, and brakes; however, golf carts do not have the protections of automobiles like airbags, side doors that can withstand crashes, seatbelts, and rooftops that will withstand rollovers. We understand that people generally do want to have the convenience of a golf cart and they are not going to be putting on a seatbelt every time they move the cart up to the next tee box. Few golf carts are even equipped with seat belts for instance in order to give the passengers a chance in a collision, a rollover or even a sharp turn. One of the most common golf cart injuries arises from a passenger being ejected during a sharp left turn.
But also, we here at won’t be telling you anything you don’t know when we say that alcohol and golf cart operation is prevalent on many golf courses, and off the golf course. There is an air of safety on the golf course that people can act a bit more uninhibited and everything will be OK. That is not always the case. Golf Cart incidents happen everywhere, even in the Villages where there is a sense of safety and community. One need only search on the internet for “Golf Cart Incident in the Villages” to see deaths arising from Golf Cart Incidents, severe injuries, DUI arrests, ejections of kids from golf carts, kids unlawfully driving golf carts, and golf carts being struck by automobiles. All of these incidents I have described have actually happened in the Villages just in the last two years.
Golf Cart Incident Attorney, Frank D. Butler, PA
There are no minor golf cart injuries when you are the one on the receiving end of the golf cart crash, the golf cart ejection, or rollover.
We are Golf Cart Incident Attorneys for the Villages. We know golf cart laws. They are not the same as automobile laws. Choose a Golf Cart Incident Attorney to handle your case for you and your family.
We are ready to help you with your case right now.